Karanlık Güçler Üstadı/ Dark Powers Master

One of the most important writers of the Canadian theater world; One of the most interesting works of theater, television, film scriptwriter and theater director George F. Walker, "Karanlık Güçler Üstadı" was translated into Turkish by Turgut A. Akter in 2013.

Pırpırlı Yaşam

One of Canada's most well-known and popular artists; "Pırpırlı Yaşam", the most popular work of actor, writer, translator and trainer David French, was translated into Turkish by Turgut A. Akter in 2013.

Angelina ile Angelus

Hungarian artist, known for his unique personality and creativity, with many plays, important films and other literary works; Playwright, screenwriter and film director Andor Szilágyi's best-known play Angelina with Angelus was translated into Turkish in 2013 by Turgut A. Akter.

Bir Kadın Avcısının Andaçı/The Remembrance of a Woman Hunter

Known for his international conferences, lectures and theater works he attended in different European countries and the USA; András Nagy's best-known theater work, "Bir Kadın Avcısının Andaçı" , was translated into Turkish by Turgut A. Akter in 2013.

Dr. Faust'un Ölümü/Dr. Faust's Death

Considered the most important avant-garde dramatist of the 20th century, Jean Cocteu "is a black diamond that completes the poets necklace that Belgium carries on its necklace." Called one of Michel de Ghelderode's most influential works of all time, "Dr. Faust'un Ölümü" was translated into Turkish by Turgut A. Akter in 2013.

Ne Güzel Bir Gün/ What a Nice Day

Considered the most important avant-garde dramatist of the 20th century, Jean Cocteu "is a black diamond that completes the poets necklace that Belgium carries on its necklace." Michel de Ghelderode's work called which he describes as "Ne Güzel Bir Gün", was translated into Turkish by Turgut A. Akter in 2014.

Circles cycles in the air

Circles cycles in the air was written by Turgut A. Akter. The book was published in New York in 1992. Circles Cycles in the air is in English.

egek örök körei

The egek örök körei, which is described as one of the most outstanding books of Sufi poetry ever published, was written by Turgut A. Akter.

in the template of my dreams

This book is a remarkable work, an excruciating yet fascinating journey endured as the artist seeks to explore the inner truths of the soul and what influences it in a unique way through its mystical insight into the soul. Written by Turgut A. Akter. The book was published in Budapest in 2005.